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This session we consider how we are using up fossil fuels. How did we heat our homes and cook in the past? Discuss renewable energy and any local schemes to try and use more renewable energy. Challenge children to make a solar oven and cook something with it!
Batik Technique

Batik Technique

Introduce children to the techniques of flour resist batik and explore the history of batik in Africa. Children get a chance to practise the methods themselves.
Design & Make Catapults

Design & Make Catapults

Children look again at Roman catapults. Using a wide variety of materials, incl some mechanical components, they design & create a working model of a catapult in the Roman style. They develop their ideas, then compete to see whose catapult works best! Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Food Rationing

Food Rationing

During the 1940 and 50s food was rationed. Discuss the ration allowance then and compare it with what you eat now. In groups and using suggested books or resource examples children will choose and cook a ration recipe for everyone to taste. Was our diet better then?
Cloth Creation

Cloth Creation

Inspired by the Adinkra cloths worn on special occasions all over Ghana, children create their own versions. Children think carefully about overall design of their cloth and how they will block print using stamps.
Appliqué – Cutting & Sewing

Appliqué – Cutting & Sewing

In this session children complete their Appliqué by cutting and sewing the pieces of their design before proudly displaying it in the classroom. They take time to reflect on the whole dyeing and designing process and evaluate the finished product.
History of Cars

History of Cars

Children listen to a memoir of an elderly person's first car and then look at modern day car brochures looking for features which are new, and write a list of features they would like to see in future cars.
Adinkra Block Printing

Adinkra Block Printing

Selecting appropriate tools and techniques chn create potato stamps of their own Adinkra cloth symbols, ready to block print on a cloth.
Grow Your Own

Grow Your Own

Children compare a food journal they have kept with a food pyramid which gives the recommended servings of different food groups. The need to include fruit and vegetables is highlighted and children design a garden to grow their own.


Demonstrate a water rocket to children, they then make their own, adding fins, nose cone and design a launch pad.
Festival Of Britain Architecture

Festival Of Britain Architecture

Children look at Festival of Britain architecture especially the Skylon and Dome of Discovery. They choose to make a Skylon, Dome or to design their own futuristic piece of architecture.
Make A Box

Make A Box

Moving on from the last session, children explore how boxes are made from nets by taking apart packaging boxes. Then using a pre-prepared net, children make and design their own boxes.
Cooking Food on an Open Fire

Cooking Food on an Open Fire

Immediately after the war many people cooked on open fires using wood, which was cheap or easy to gather free. Cook some potatoes on an open fire outside for children to taste with butter or cheese. If possible allow children to toast some marshmallows with adults.
How Has Farming Changed?

How Has Farming Changed?

After WW2 and rationing farmers had to increase production. Children discuss where food comes from, and their views on the use of heavy farm machinery and pesticides. Children make a model of a fruit/vegetable or create an ICT presentation showing seasonal availability.
Household Gadgets

Household Gadgets

Children discuss labour-saving gadgets and chores which are still time-consuming or unpleasant. They then work in groups to design their own gadget and present it to the rest of the class as in the Dragon’s Den.
Meals In The 1950's

Meals In The 1950's

Children look at pieces of kitchen equipment and guess which were available in the 1950s. One group make a real chicken meal, whilst the others make a typical 50s dinner from Plasticine, an ICT package or paint/collage materials. All taste the 50s dinner.
Cooking A 1950's Meal

Cooking A 1950's Meal

Children have the opportunity to cook one course of a typical 1950s meal or to set the table. Discuss safety measures before children cook the shepherds’ pie, rice pudding or sponge pudding and custard. Will everyone have a taste of all three dishes?
Water Cycle in Miniature

Water Cycle in Miniature

On Earth we still have the same drops of water that touched the lips of the dinosaurs! In this session children use all that they have learnt in the previous session to create a self contained bottle garden. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Plantain Parties

Plantain Parties

Children discuss how all cultures have celebrations and festivals – special days in which special foods are eaten and shared. In parts of West Africa a child’s 5th birthday is special as many do not live to be five. Children make fried plantain and decorate plates.
Designing an Amphitheatre

Designing an Amphitheatre

Children continue the work on gladiators and Roman entertainment and look at amphitheatres. They study what they look like and realise that these varied from place to place. They begin to plan and design their own model amphitheatre. Suitable for years 3 and 4.